April 13, 1925 - January 20, 2024

Born in Saginaw, MI, on April 13th, 1925, to Walter and Sara Graebner, Walter David, known as Dave, grew up on a dairy farm and learned early the hard work involved in a family business.
His passion became aviation, earning his pilot's license at age 16. He attended Curtiss Wright A&E School in California after graduation from high school. His aircraft mechanic and aviator skills continued throughout his professional aviation career, flying many and varied aircraft. Dave retired from Schlumberger Oil Field Services as the Houston, TX, based Chief Pilot. He continued as a contract pilot for other oil field companies as well as flying his beloved Beechcraft Bonanza. Dave was awarded the prestigious FAA Wright Brothers "Master Pilot" certificate and the FAA Charles Taylor "Master Mechanic" certificate in 2006.
Dave married Shirley Joan Bank in 1948, moved to TX, and neither one looked back. 75 years together, producing two children, Steven and Carol; followed by two grandchildren, Kurt and Keith; and now two great-grandchildren, David and Liam.
Dave and Shirley have had a wonderful life together.
Memorial Service at Riverside Retirement Chapel, Saturday, 1/27/2024 at 1pm.