August 18, 1934 - April 04, 2023
Joy A. Howard-Grennay died Tuesday, April 4, 2023. She was born August 18, 1934. The family moved to Richland, Washington where she went to school and graduated. She attended Whitworth College for a short time. A married to Bill Howard was followed by the arrival of three children. Country Homes Christian Church became her employer where she attended and served as secretary. She then went to work for the Salvation Army in Spokane and was promoted to a secretary position in Seattle. After her retirement she moved to Reardan where she served on the City Council for a term, and she also met Harry Grennay. They married on March 17, 2015. She is survived by her son Clarence, a daughter Karen Pace, a daughter Connie Murray, a sister Sherry Christoffersen, a brother Dave, and numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. There will be a private family graveside service.