July 28, 1945 - February 20, 2021
Martin, Daniel L. Sr. - Daniel was born in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to Lillian and Leon Martin; July 28, 1945. He is survived by his three children, Dan Jr., Robin, Jesse, and two grandchildren, Colton and Braden. - Dan grew up and resided primarily in Spokane most of his life when not travelling abroad while deployed as a welder aboard the U.S. Navy tender U.S.S. Hector. During his time with us, Senior would go on to patriarch two families and raise a total of 4 children, whom he cherished and was forever and unequivocally proud of. In addition to a keen sense of humor, wit, intellect, and wisdom for days; Pop was somewhat of an amateur historian, had an affinity for music of all types, and dabbled in a variety of hobbies and interests. Though locomotives were always at the center of his passion, Pop loved a good car show or fly-in just the same and despite his normally calm and nonchalant way about him; you never saw him get more excited than when he saw a train rumbling down the tracks, hot rod rev its engine or warbird cut through the sky. Everyone loved Dan for his easy-going demeanor and his knack for getting a smile out of you. Pop was 75 years old and left us to catch up with his youngest son Josh on February 20, 2021. Dad, you were a renaissance man in your own right and whether you knew it or not, you are loved by so many and we’re all going to miss your presence tremendously. Things just aren’t going to be the same without you around. Standfast and rest easy sailor, until we meet again. Love ya pop. - A Graveside Service and Military Honors are scheduled for April 19, 2021 at 2:30 PM @ Riverside Memorial Park Located at 211 N. Government Way, Spokane, WA 99224. Please contact Danny, Robin or Jesse for any other information.